Sunday, January 19, 2014

Really, Idaho?

I thought I would start a blog about our life in Idaho. Some of you have requested it and others probably are curious to hear what the heck is going on with us. 

I am going to take us back to how it all started. We had been unhappy living in Hyde Park doing our normal daily routines. I wanted more space for the kids and a safer environment. Our original goal was to live in Hyde Park for 1 year and then we would move to the suburbs. As time grew on, we became more comfortable where we were and continued on a regular routine. We would venture out on the weekends fighting traffic just to get out of the city to do activities with our kids. Rich's commute was also so convenient that we only used one car which meant we had free rein to go anywhere. We would often take advantage of the free days at the museum's or join up with friends. 

Rich work was not getting any better and when the sequester happened, we knew things were not looking good. We would always think if he got a good score on a grant or if he got this paper published. We continued with this game for the entire 7 years and thought for sure he would get some acknowledgement for his work. He has worked countless hours, weekends, holidays, and nights taking time away from us. 

We had been talking about a change and moving, but always joked about it. Moving to the Northwest? Yeah, right. I had been pestering Rich about going West on a camping excursion since the prior year he spent a ton on camping equipment. I wanted to be sure we had gotten our money out of it. It was the end of May and we had already planned on meeting up with our HS group for an annual camping trip at the end of June. What were we going to do for the summer? Instead, Rich decided we should immediately plan our trip right away and can we leave tomorrow? I said sure, I just went grocery shopping and we could pull it all together quickly. I had learned from my HS group about storing all of your camping gear in a box for easy transport. We already had all of our other gear in our Thule, so leaving right away was no problem. Our next issue was where are we going? 

Ironically, we headed north and westerly. We had a plan to go through WI, MN, ND, MT, WY and on to the eastern part of Idaho camping along the way. We stopped to see a few sights, but our schedule was tight as we had to make it back in time for our HS campout in WI. When we arrived in Idaho we were pleasantly surprised at its beauty and all it had to offer. Mountains, lakes, less traffic, nice people, and no humidity. Again, we joked about living here and how the heck could we do it. As we were racing back home, the kids started to get sick and we were tired of camping. Oh, I forgot to mention during our camping trip we had encountered: tons of mosquitoes (MN), freezing rain/weather (WY), primitive camping (MT), sprinklers going off in the middle of the night and during a rainstorm (SD), and rainstorms following us as we racing home. We had enough with Mother Nature and wanted the comfort of our own house. We also had to return to realty and worry about Rich's tenure talk. 

Rich had delayed tenure by 1 year because we had Jillian. We thought giving us one more year would give us more time to ensure his spot. He had done some amazing things within his time and thought he was very valuable. His department suggested that perhaps of tenure, to have be promoted for 3 years instead. Given the economy and his lack of financial support, this was a good option. He scheduled his promotion talk in July and then it was up to his department to decide whether or not to support him. Rich had a very wise colleague who said, "Keep your options open." This is when he began planning in case the other shoe dropped.

Now that we had seen Idaho, how is it possible we would ever be able to afford living here and raise our kids? This was the question we had asked ourselves for the longest time. We ran into a man who was from Michigan and he too, was asking the same question. He said he didn't care what it took, even working in the grocery store, but he wanted to move to Idaho. 

Rich began his search and came across the idea of tagging trees in the forest. A seasonal job that paid very well. It would mean he would be gone during the week and we would have to live very very modestly. We call this plan: a van down by the river. We would potentially live in the woods with a trailer or sorts and figure out how to "live off the land." I am not kidding when I say this was an option. 

He applied all around and not just in Idaho. He applied for all types of jobs in/around his home town in Indiana. He discovered there were 3 bio-tech companies in/around Idaho and began making connections. Something somewhere had to have an opening and he would do anything to get his foot in the door. 

Meanwhile, the buzz from his department was a unanimous to put Rich before the Dean and be promoted for another 3 years. Shortly after this news, Rich heard from a company in Pullman, WA about an opening he applied and went for an interview in September. We were very excited about the interview and wondered where life would take us. They rented him a car for the weekend and he went looking at properties with a realtor. The thought this was going to reality was scary. 

After the interview, Rich felt very positive about the position and now had a tough decision about whether to remain as a professor or switch careers. For some strange reason of events, both jobs stalled through-out the month of October. We didn't know what was going on because there was little communication. Poor Rich had to continue working not knowing his fate. It didn't really matter either way, because his professor job never failed to dump a ton of work on him. He was too busy to worry. 

The world came crashing down on us on October 30. The head of his department scheduled a meeting to discuss his fate with the university. The Dean had turned down the departments recommendation to allow him to continue for 3 years. We were in shock. In fact, his whole department and many other faculty he worked closely with were shocked as well. He had until June of 2014 to wrap up everything and find another job. I didn't sleep well that night and my stress level was immense and Halloween was the next day. 

For me, Halloween 2013 was the worst day ever. All I could think about was what was going to happen now? Rich had worked so hard and sacrificed so much for his job. Both of us had given up a tremendous amount of time and energy. How could this be and what do we do now? I had to put on a brave face for my kids and celebrate this wonderful holiday. I do say looking back that I was delighted that I did because I loved to see their little faces all excited to get candy. As they were dumping their loot and ogling over their pieces, Rich said to me did you see the email from HR in Idaho?  

I had no idea they finally sent some correspondence and found out they wanted references in order to proceed with his application. A huge sigh of relief washed over my body. I really felt a huge weight lifted and hope returned.  

In some way, we feel that the dean actually gave Rich a way out. How was he going to explain asking for references when his department wanted him to stay? The saying, "things happen for a reason" really is true. He asked for references and the following week an offer was made. After some negotiating, the offer was accepted and now the whirlwind of packing, finding a place to live, and dealing with movers begins. 

What will life be like in Idaho? Stay tuned and find out...

1 comment:

  1. As I read this blog I think wow she can write. As you say your stress level was high and we all held our breath for you all. I am so excited for the future and can't wait to see you all this summer. How ever we miss u all so much. Please keep writing love your world greatest fan .
