For some reason, when it became officially spring here…it
really didn’t. We had snow every morning for about a week straight. It would
melt by the evening but, the temperature was still chilly. Just 2 days ago it
was snowing for the majority of the day. Once again, it all melted.
Now that we are hitting 60 degree weather, it’s time to get
out and explore our neighborhood and all that Idaho has to offer.
Next, we took the kiddos for a walk to the pond to see the
frogs. They have been making a ton of noise at night for a few weeks. We always
bring a net to try and catch some, but have not been successful. It is fun to
see the kids get excited about all of the bugs and other pond life. I suppose I
should bring a jar next time to collect some eggs and pond water. I remember
looking at the pond water under a microscope when I was in 5th
grade. The kids also had fun collecting cattails and peeling the layers of
fluff. Again, another childhood memory I was glad to share with them. I was
lucky to have many ponds and streams growing up.
Then we explore our own acreage for all the lovely surprises
that spring up.
Many flowers, buds on the trees, green grass, and fields of
green from the farmers wheat. We were sitting out on our back deck listening to
all of the bird calls, the winds whipping through the trees, and the warm sun
beating down upon us.
These are the days where goofing off outside is more
precious than anything.